PrimaSoft Junior Organizer Deluxe v3.9 英文正式版(數據庫管理軟體)
Junior Organizer Deluxe is a flexible junior membership
management software for Windows users. Our software gives you
an easy way to manage, track, and organize data of junior
clubs, boys and girls clubs, sport teams, camps, league
memberships, cadet groups, youth clubs, interest groups, scout
teams, youth organizations...... For the database novice,
Organizer's intuitive interface and ready-to-use junior
management solutions make it easy to set up and use.
Members : Complete database template that allows you to
maintain and organize young people information: membership
information, member address and contact data, family data,
health and emergency contacts, membership fee, and renew dates,
member details (interests, skills, grouping, size, dates,...),
member picture and notes....
Payments : Complete database template that gives you an
easy way to track all your membership payments.
Events : Complete database template that gives you an easy
way to manage, and track information about events (camps,
parties, meetings, club activities... ).
DayPlanner : Complete database template that gives you an
easy way to plan, manage, and organize daily activities for
your 'young people' group.
Request/ToDo : Complete database template that gives you an
easy way to catalog, manage, and track all your 'young people'
organization's requests, complaints, suggestions, feedbacks,
todo items ....
Contacts : Complete database template that gives you an
easy way to catalog, manage, and track all your 'young people'
organization's contacts.
For the power user, Organizer affords the simplicity of wizards
that make it easy to set up and use junior management solutions
that you create.
