PGI Workstation Complete v12.8 英文正式版(編譯器軟體)
check crack\install.txt
PGI Visual Fortran將 Portland Group 的 PGI 套件(高性能 64 位和 32 位並行 Fortran
編譯器與工具)完全集成到 Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2005 中。PVF 具有 PGI 最新版本
的本地 OpenMP 和自動並行 Fortran 編譯器。PGI 編譯器支援眾多流行的高性能計算平台
(包括基於 64 位 x64 和 32 位 x86 處理器的系統),並能為這些平台生成完 全優化的代
碼。PGI Fortran 編譯器提供世界一流的性能和特性,包括自動並行化、支援多核處理器、
OpenMP 2.5 和 PGI Unified Binary?。PGI Unified Binary 將對兩大 x64 處理器家族(AMD
和Intel)的支援優化整合到單一的可執行文件代碼中,簡化了跨平台支援。PVF 中最先進的
、針對 CPU 的優化等。
PGI Workstation is PGI's single-user scientific and engineering
compilers and tools product. PGI Workstation is available in
three language versions:
PGI Fortran WorkstationFortran only
PGI C/C++ WorkstationC and C++ only
PGI Fortran/C/C++ Workstationcombined Fortran and C/C++
PGI Fortran Workstation includes The Portland Group's native
parallelizing/optimizing FORTRAN 77, Fortran 90/95/03 and HPF
compilers for 64-bit x64 and 32-bit x86 processor-based Linux,
Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows workstations. PGI Fortran
Workstation provides the features, quality, and reliability
necessary for developing and maintaining advanced scientific
and technical applications.
PGI C/C++ Workstation includes The Portland Group's native
parallelizing/optimizing OpenMP C++ and ANSI C compilers. The
C++ compiler closely tracks the proposed ANSI standard and is
compatible with cfront versions 2 and 3. All C++ functions are
compatible with Fortran and C functions, so you can compose
programs from components written in all three languages.
PGI Workstation includes the OpenMP and MPI enabled PGDBG
parallel debugger and PGPROF performance profiler that can
debug and profile up to eight local MPI processes. PGI
Workstation also includes several versions of precompiled MPICH
message passing libraries.
PGI Workstation includes a single user node-locked license for
Linux, Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows. Volume packs of five or
more single user node-locked licenses are also available.
Volume packs are multi-platform; licenses may be mixed by
operating system up to the maximum count. PGI Server offers the
same features as PGI Workstation but includes a multi-user
network floating license.
PGI Workstation for both Mac OS X and Windows consists of
command-level versions of the PGI compilers and both
command-level and graphical versions of the PGDBG debugger and
PGPROF performance profiler. An integrated development
environment (IDE) is neither provided nor supported. As a
separate product, PGI Visual Fortran fully integrates PGI
Fortran compilers and tools into Microsoft Windows using
Microsoft Visual Studio.
