RegexMagic v1+2 .1 英文正式版(生成完整的正則表達式軟體)
只是更容易與正則表達式RegexMagic,你沒有處理在各個正則表達式語法。 RegexMagic生成完整的
RegexMagic makes creating regular expressions easier than ever. While
other regex tools such as RegexBuddy merely make it easier to work with
regular expressions, with RegexMagic you don't have to deal with the
regular expression syntax at all. RegexMagic generates complete regular
expressions to your specifications.
First, you provide RegexMagic with some samples of the text you want your
regular expression to match. RegexMagic can automatically detect what
sort of pattern your text looks like. Numbers, dates, and email addresses
are just a few examples of the wide range of patterns that RegexMagic
supports. By marking different parts of your samples, you can create
regular expressions that combine multiple patterns to match exactly what
you want. RegexMagic's patterns provide many options, so you can make
your regular expression as loose or as strict as you want.
Best of all, RegexMagic supports nearly all popular regular expression
flavors. Select your flavor, and RegexMagic makes sure to generate a
regular expression that works with it. RegexMagic can even generate
snippets in many programming languages that you can copy and paste
directly into your source code to implement your regular expression.
RegexMagic doesn't automatically generate regular expressions on magic
alone. But it sure makes things a lot easier by allowing you to work with
your data instead of the cryptic regex syntax.
