X-Cart Pro v4.5.2 PHP NULL 英文正式版(PHP源代碼軟體)
X-Cart shopping cart is fast. For most web
stores there is no need to arrange a dedicated
X-Cart is 100% PCI-DSS compatible. With help
of PA-DSS certified X-Payments software you can
accept credit cards right on your X-Cart powered
X-Cart has a W3C-compliant storefront with a
CSS-based layout. And it comes with several
professional e-commerce design templates
AJAX-based components and WYSIWYG editors
improve the user experience
X-Cart is search engine friendly. You can add
meta-tags and define custom titles and URLs for
product and category pages, which improves
standing of your web store with popular search
Smarty template engine and simple PHP code
make X-Cart flexible and easy to modify without
great programming skills and knowledge
X-Cart professionals are always ready to help
you with any technical answer about the software
as well as handle installation and configuration
tasks for you
X-Cart team offers professional design
creation and custom programming services. You can
get a unique storefront design and a custom-made
functionality to ensure the web store meets your
business needs completely
![X-Cart Pro v4.5.2 PHP NULL 英文正式版(PHP源代碼軟體)](/softimage/CQC4526.jpg)