WaterProof PHPEdit v4.3.3 英文正式版(PHP集成開發環境軟體)
PHPEdit is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
for PHP designed for professional. Including advanced
php related tools, powerful debugger and profiler,
code beautifier, help integration, real time syntax
checker, advanced keyboard templates and much more.
By using PHPEdit you will:
Develop Faster
Because PHPEdit contains several tools to increase
your personal productivity like Syntax Highlighting,
Code Hint, Code Insight, automatic Code Completion,
Keyboard Templates, Quick Marks, Code Browser...
Enhance Quality
Using the debugger you will produce better
software because you'll be able to put breakpoints,
step inside your code, watch variable content, check
call stack and more. Using the profiler, you will
tweak your application performances.
Make Your Life Easier
Because PHPEdit is fully customizable you can make
it behave the way you want. You will not change the
way you work, but you'll work faster and easier
because all your tools are just a shortcut away.
