JScape Secure iNet Factory v9.0.0 for Java 英文正式版(Java編程語言的元件軟體)
check crack\install.txt
基於Java編程語言 基於Java編程語言的元件 Secure iNet Factory是易於使用的、基於Java
編程語言的元件,用於開發安全網路應用 程式的,支援包括SSH協定在內的大多數網路協定,
Secure iNet Factory is a robust suite of easy-to-use Java components
for developing secure network capable applications. Secure iNet Factory
includes all the same components found in iNet Factory with the
addition of SSH (Secure Shell) wrapper classes for all major network
protocol that offer security via advanced encryption.
Using Secure iNet Factory developers can easily add secure network
communications to their applications including secure email, secure
file transfer, secure remote login and more.
