ActiveState Komodo IDE v8.0.0.77688 for Windows 英文正式版(程式開發軟體)
Komodo 是一個跨平台支援多種程式語言的Integrated Development Environment (IDE)軟
The Professional IDE for Python, PHP, Ruby, JavaScript, Perl, Web and
Cloud Dev
Award-Winning IDE for Windows, Mac and Linux
Whether you develop on Windows, Mac, Linux梠r all three桲omodo is a fast,
full-featured IDE that you can rely on. Komodo IDE has comprehensive
features to help you develop, debug and deploy faster, all with an intuitive
user interface designed with freedom of choice in mind.
new Komodo IDE 7 adds development for cloud (deploy to Stackato),
synchronization between workstations, and collaborative editing. Komodo
IDE is faster than ever, running on Mozilla 7.0.
