Diamondback Virtuous Ten Studio v2.11.17.10502 英文正式版(APK、JAR編輯軟體)
Virtuous團隊開發製作的Virtuous Ten Studio (VTS)是迄今為止功能最強的APK、JAR編輯
工具,他可以編輯除了M10文件外APK、JAR 文件中所有的文件,是安卓romer的第一幫手,也
Virtuous Ten Studio (VTS) is the ultimate solution
for the modification of android applications. This
program allows you to manage entire Android
projects within an easy to use and familiar
The intended group of users covers anyone from a
themer over ROM devs up to the smali gods known for
their awesome mods of existing apks. The
modifcation of smali code is one of the biggest
features in VTS. You can easily decompile, edit and
recompile any apk or jar file.
However, the application is not limited to smali
files. You can edit almost any file found inside an
apk or jar.
Virtuous Ten Studio is also the official successor
to the highly important M10Tools released 2011 by
the Virtuous Team. You can easily edit any m10 file
from Sense apps in order to resize, modify or theme
Additionally VTS brings support for un- and
repacking of boot images (boot.img), a job that
previously required a cygwin installation with the
dsixda kitchen. Since VTS' own implementation is a
native windows solution, you don't need dsixda or
cygwin anymore.
VTS has been designed to run on Windows, has been
in development for over a year and has gone through
many stages of testing. We now feel that the it is
mature enough to be released publicly.
