Softgroup NET Forms Resize v7.5 英文正式版(可以幫你製作獨立的程序界面的軟體)
Softgroup .Net Forms Resize 是一款快速小而輕便的.NET窗口大小控件,
Softgroup .Net Forms Resize is a fast, small and lightweight .NET component
that gives your applications resolution independence.
Softgroup .Net Forms Resize automatically resize all controls and fonts
contained in a .Net Windows Form as they are sized.
To use Softgroup.Net Forms Resize simply add .Net Forms Resize component
to the Toolbox window of Microsoft Visual Studio and drag it to your form.
With Softgroup .Net Forms Resize you can
- Gives your Windows Forms applications resolution independence.
- Keep your controls font/size proportion whenever your forms are resized
- Can be easily implemented to already designed forms with 1 line of code
- Support controls nested inside others
- Can centerl form over the Desktop or MDI Parent
- Can save/resotre your form's last size and positions.
- Resizes fonts as well as the controls themselves
- Ability to specify whether the fonts of the controls will be resized
or not.
- Control resize of docked controls like ToolStrip and StatusStrip.
- Support of standard .Net Windows Form, MDI child and MDI parent Forms.
- Fast, small and accurate resize engine.
