LogicNP Crypto Obfuscator v2013 R2 REPACK 英文正式版(代碼保護軟體)
Powerful Code Protection, Obfuscation, Optimization And Simplified
Deployment For Your .NET Apps.
Uses sophisticated techniques like symbol renaming, control flow
obfuscation, resource protection, metadata reduction,
anti-decompiler/disassembler protection, digital watermarking and more!
Crypto Obfuscator renames all your class, field, method, properties,
methods, parameter and generic parameter names to totally different
strings. It is impossible to determine the original names from the new
names. This makes it impossible for someone to try to determine the
purpose or functionality of the renamed entity from its name.
- Protect your code and intellectual property from hackers,
crackers or competitors.
- Save time and money investment in your software.
- Increase ROI for your business.
- Save time and money spent handling deployment related issues.
- Improve performance of your application.
- Build a fast, light-weight and robust application.
Crypto Obfuscator can also rename fields or methods with different
signatures to the same name. For example two fields having types int and
boolean will be given the same name. Similarly two methods will different
parameters will be given the same name. In the case of methods, the
method return type is also used in the signature even though high-level
languages such as C and VB.Net do not support overloading by return type.
The .Net runtime is able to differentiate between the fields/methods
without any problem since the signatures are different. Needless to say,
this scheme makes it even harder to reverse-engineer your code.
Crypto Obfuscator also has a renaming mode which renames all classes,
fields, methods, etc to fake but realistic names like
Domain/Log/Stream/etc (for classes) or Open/Close/Clear/Delete/etc for
methods and so on. This makes it extremely difficult to differentiate
between symbols excluded from obfuscation and obfuscated symbols.
