Evalaze Commercial Edition v2.2.1.1 英文正式版(應用程序虛擬化軟體)
從最初的VMware ThinApp到國內的雲端,應用程序虛擬化也可以用作製作單文件便攜版
VMware ThinApp屬於收費軟件,與VMware ThinApp定位相同的Cameyo是完全免費軟件,
Software virtualization is a piece of technology
that allows the running of applications, without
having to install these in the "traditional" way.
The applications work in their own virtual
environment and do not affect the operating system
or other programs.
Amongst other features, this technology allows
multiple identical applications to be run in
parallel on the same system. This enables you to
simultaneously run different versions of a browser
on a system, for example. Outdated applications can
be used on new and modern operating systems.
A problem with non-virtualized applications is that
they are firmly anchored to the system. The
installation and configuration of applications is
time-consuming. Uninstalling will not delete
entries in the registry or file system and thus
will put further strain on the system. This can
lead to system slow-downs and crashes.
Virtualized applications, however, are flexible.
These can be run locally on a PC, on network
drives, on terminal servers or on USB sticks.
Evalaze also puts an application virtualization
assistant at the user's disposal to help with the
software. In order to virtualize an application,
Evalaze creates a snapshot of the system. Following
this, the application of choice is installed and a
second snapshot is taken. The installed files and
registry entries are now converted into a new .exe
file by Evalazs's virtualization engine. This file
can now be copied to an appropriate medium and
