ActiveState Perl Dev Kit Pro v9.4.0.298593 Solaris x86 英文正式版(程式員開發軟體)
The Perl Dev Kit (PDK)為Perl程式員開發程式提供必不可少的工具,使得建立、構造程式變
得容易。PDK可以將perl程式在HP-UX、Linux、 Solaris和Windows平台下生成各自可執行文件;
調試Perl腳本也成為一件容易的事;支援將VBScript轉換成Perl;也能用Perl 建立.NET 和
Perl Dev Kit (PDK) provides essential tools for building and deploying
Perl applications.
PDK features cross-platform wrapping and application builders for Windows,
Mac OS X, Linux, HP-UX*, Solaris*, and AIX*, plus a suite of tools to speed
development and improve code quality across teams. The comprehensive
feature set includes PerlApp, PerlCtrl, PerlMSI, PerlNET, PerlSvc, PerlTray,
Coverage Analyzer, Filter Builder, Graphical Debugger, PerlCritic and
VBScript Converter.
