IDM UEStudio v15.20.0.8 英文正式版(編程開發軟體)
Ultraedit 功能甚為強大,許多用戶已經將其作為 IDE 來使用並向我們提供了
Ultraedit 的一些特點來擴大其功能性。於是,我們結合了這些特點,IDM 的
理解和超動力 IDE 的概念來羅列 UESstudio』06 的一些特徵。 如:集成 CVS
UEStudio 是 UltraEdit 的開發環境版本,在軟件開發、CVS 等方面功能強大。
基於 IDE (Integrated Development Environment 完整開發環境) 概念建立,
UEStudio vs. UltraEdit... Work in groups or teams? Using version
control? Need to save time? Need more power? Then you need:
* Intellitips - intelligent auto-complete of variables,
functions, classes, etc.
* ClassViewer - a visual map of the symbols in your active
* Subversion / CVS integration
* Advanced project and solution management
* Compiling and building support
* PHP and Ruby scripting support
UEStudio offers all the text editing functionality of UltraEdit
and includes an array of powerful development features to help
accelerate your workflow across larger scale projects.
