Just Great Software RegexBuddy v4.4.1 英文正式版(編程開發軟體)
該軟件可以編譯由其它軟件編寫的複雜的正則表達式。使用純英文模塊代替標準的 Regex 語法。
過程來進行調試而不是單憑猜測。可以在你的自動地調整為 C#, VB.NET, Java, C, C++, Delphi,
Perl, PHP, Python, Javas cript 和 Ruby 特殊細節的帶有代碼摘錄的源代碼當中使用 Regex
RegexBuddy is your perfect companion for working
with regular expressions. Easily create regular
expressions that match exactly what you want.
Clearly understand complex regexes written by
others. Quickly test any regex on sample strings
and files, preventing mistakes on actual data.
Debug without guesswork by stepping through the
actual matching process. Use the regex with source
code snippets automatically adjusted to the
particulars of your programming language. Collect
and document libraries of regular expressions for
future reuse. GREP (search-and-replace) through
files and folders. Integrate RegexBuddy with your
favorite searching and editing tools for instant
