PremiumSoft Navicat Report Viewer v3.2.3 英文正式版(圖形用戶界面( GUI )報表生成軟體)
Navicat Report Viewer憑借其友好的圖形用戶界面( GUI ),可在瀏覽所設計的報告Navicat
報表生成。您可以報告位於本地或遠端MySQL/ PostgreSQL數據庫伺服器(星期日)。不管伺服
器是運行於Linux , Unix系統, Mac或Windows的平台。
Navicat Report Viewer is an easy-to-use tool. With its
friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI), Navicat Report
Viewer allows you to navigate reports designed by Navicat
Report Builder. You can access reports located at local or
remote MySQL/PostgreSQL server(s) no matter the server is
running on a Linux, Unix, Mac or Windows platform.
Navicat Report Viewer allows you to share reports with
someone who does not have Navicat running on his computer
but has Navicat Report Viewer installed. It highly increases
the flexibility and convenience for viewing reports.
Files in .raf & .rtm formats can be viewed. The most
up-to-date data will be obtained by just clicking the
Refresh button on the toolbar. It also gives you the ability
to print reports in pdf, html & archive formats.
