訊連威力導演 CyberLink PowerDirector v12.0.2109.0 繁體中文版(描述:原生64位元效能、全新『多機剪輯設計師』。支援3D及超高畫質4K格式、內建超過400種以上特效。)
1. Close your internet connection.
2. Install the application by double clicking on (with admin rights)
3. a. Double click on "12.reg" in crack folder.
b. Copy other three files from "Crack" folder and paste them in to
installation folder by replacing. It is generally:
C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDirector12
4. Open application. Select "No, thanks" for participation option,
Uncheck "remind me later" box and click on "skip registration" button.
5. Uncheck auto update option (Settings). Do not update the application.
6. For your safety Use firewall to block the internet connection of the
* Feature of the crack: Never expire trial with full functionality.
** Check "For Russian Language" folder if you need.
Thanks to original cracker.
[ChingLiu] October 15, 2013
1. 關閉網路
2. 執行安裝程式「PowerDirector_2109_Trial_Trial_VDE130909-03.exe」
3. 安裝完畢後,勿執行程式。請先執行 Crack資料夾內「12.reg」。執行完畢後,請將剩下三個檔案覆製到程式所安裝的資料夾
C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDirector12
4. 覆製完畢後,請執行程式。
5. 進入程式主畫面,請至設定將「自動檢查軟體更新」的打勾選項取消
6. 可再進一步至電腦本身的防火牆設定,阻檔程式網路連線
Win 8平板電腦設計的威力導演行動版App,讓您隨時隨地擁有創意剪輯樂趣!