瑞亞諾之四分支的詛咒 Rhiannon Curse of the Four Branches REPACK 英文正式版(DVD版)
遊戲基於經典威爾士傳說Four Branches。故事設定在不列顛的凱爾特邊地一處神話和魔
莊園復仇的戰爭。十五歲的Rhiannon Sullivan所說的難以解釋的噪聲和光怪陸離的現象
僅僅是神經過敏的想像? 或者她的新家Ty Pryderi的歷史有著與人類和魔法的無盡爭鬥
有關的可怕聯繫?她的父母帶走了Rhiannon, 把Ty Pryderi留給你照看和探索,但是他
們的離去只能推遲一場命中注定的古老復仇以及死亡... 除非你制止它。
Find the missing groom before the luck of the Irish runs out! Kyler Malloy has
invited you as Nancy Drew to her wedding at Castle Malloy in Ireland. When Nancy
arrives the groom is missing! Did he get cold feet or has the banshee rumored to
haunt the castle taken him to the Otherworld? Find Kyler's fiance before her
wedding is ruined and he's lost forever!