公主的華爾滋 Princess Waltz 英文正式版(戀愛冒險遊戲)(DVD版)
《Princess Waltz》 是由株式會社 Will 的遊戲製作團隊 Pulltop 發售的成人遊
戲軟體,於 2006 年 4 月 28 日發售。
本作是描寫圍繞爭奪成為異世界 ELDHILAND 為中心的大國「七央(SEVEN CENTRAL)
」王子訂婚的王后席位,六個國家的公主以作為爭奪戰的ELDHILAND 的一大儀式「
Prnicess Waltz」,和被牽連入事件中的現實世界少年體驗到的戀愛和戰鬥的故事
遊戲內容分為透過跟登場角色們溝通而發展出故事的 ADV線和與公主們一起戰鬥的
SLG 線兩個部份。雖然會因應主要的 ADV線部份選擇的分歧而使部份的段落內容和
The Princess Waltz - a dance of whirling blades held to find the princess
worthy of becoming queen of Seven Central in the fantasy world of Eldelant
Hopeful candidates travel from all the kingdoms of Eldelant to take part i
the waltz, but only one princess will reign supreme...
You are Fukamori Arata, and you know nothing of princesses or waltzes. In
fact, your daily life in modern Japan couldn't be any more ordinary - you
live with your mother and sister, are woken daily by your childhood friend
to go to school, and live a generally full but normal life surrounded by a
gang of rowdy classmates. When rumors start circulating about a transfer
student to your class, you don't pay much attention - princes from foreign
lands don't study abroad here in this day and age, do they?
When Chris Northfield arrives, it seems the rumors might be true. What is
such a refined, polite and accomplished youth doing at your school? Your
curiosity gets the better of you, but as you investigate you begin to
realize you're getting into something deeper than you ever imagined...