伊蘇 菲爾佳娜之誓 Ys The Oath in Felghana 英文正式版(策略模擬軟體)(DVD版)
本遊戲是以《伊蘇 III》的故事劇情為基礎,並融合了最新一代的《伊蘇 VI》遊戲引擎
與系統所製作的一款全新外傳作品,敘述主角 亞特爾(Adol)在 菲爾迦納(Felghana
遊戲採用了全新的《伊蘇 VI》3D 遊戲引擎,將原本《伊蘇 III》的橫向捲軸遊戲
方式改為俯視的 3D 平面捲軸遊戲方式,並加入了兩段跳躍與旋風跳躍的新動作,暫時
強化速度、攻擊力與防禦力的爆發模式,以及可以進行各種特殊攻擊的 3 種屬性精靈手
承襲《伊蘇 VI》的特色,本遊戲中將有比原作數量更多、體型更大且更具魄力的敵
昇華到《伊蘇 VI》以上的水準。
《伊蘇:菲爾迦納的誓約》預定 6 月 30 日發售,將提供第一時間預約訂購的玩家
初回限定特典贈品「Premium Music CD Box」,收錄內容包括「伊蘇:菲爾迦納的誓約
配樂重新演奏版」1 片裝,以及收錄所有《伊蘇 III》關聯配樂的「伊蘇 III
Complete Sound Works」7 片裝,共計 8 片音樂 CD,170 首以上配樂的豐富內容。巴
When redheaded thrill-seeker Adol Christin and his eternal blue-haired
companion Dogi make an unannounced visit to Dogi's homeland of Felghana
after an eight-year absence, it quickly becomes apparent that things have
changed dramatically. Hordes of violent monsters roam the outskirts of town,
a long-dormant volcano has suddenly sprung back to life and the new lord of
the land has begun mercilessly and inexplicably extorting money from its
long-suffering citizens. While Dogi seeks out his former combat master for
answers, Adol tends to the townsfolk -- and finds himself embroiled in a
world of political conspiracies, ancient legacies and unthinkable taboos.
A complete 3D reimagining of the 16-bit console classic "Ys III: Wanderers
From Ys," Ys: The Oath in Felghana is a fast-paced action role-playing game
with tight controls, Metroidvania-style exploration elements, intense combat
with epic screen-filling boss battles, and a thrashing, percussive arranged
soundtrack that's been heralded by many as one of the best of all time.
Based on the original 2005 PC release, this classic is finally officially
available in English with added Steamworks features such as achievements and
cloud saving.
Come see why Falcom fans the world over regard this game as "Ys, Perfected"!