飛哥與小佛:新發明 Phineas and Ferb New Inventions 英文正式版(ACT動作冒險類遊戲軟體)(DVD版)
1- Install the game
2- Copy the crack from PROPHET dir
3- Go To Hell!
已經準備好要大展身手!! 飛哥與小佛每天都能夠創造出奇跡似的酷玩意兒,像是在後院造雲霄飛
車、蓋大峽谷,甚至發明複製機械人。但擁有無比想像力的飛哥發仔卻有個告密派的姐姐 - 凱蒂
物特務。 常常為了恢復地球平衡去打倒一個瘋狂的人類博士。
Holidays are not the time to get bored! Phineas and
Ferb well know how to play. They decided to build
the coolest backyard roller coaster! But in order
to do so, you must have a good design and the
weight of hard-to-get parts. Be aware that sneak
ferret wants to stick his nose in not his
business... Moment, and where is wonderful, Mr.
Pepe Platypus? Again, does a secret task! Fearless
Agent P. fights against cruel doctor Doofenshmirtz.
You have to help him! And, of course, remember
about the roller coaster. Fun has begun!