(電腦遊戲)無盡空間2 Endless Space 2 v1.2.23.S5 (整合全DLC) 官方繁體中文版(藍光版)
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英文名稱:Endless Space 2
遊戲製作:AMPLITUDE Studios
《無盡空間2(Endless Space 2)》是由AMPLITUDE Studios製作,SEGA發行的一款4X太空戰略遊戲
,遊戲將帶領玩家進入 Endless 宇宙多文明太空殖民時代。您的願景,他們的未來。
《無盡空間2》於10月6日登陸Steam Early Access,早期預覽版將包含4個派系(最終版包含8個)
操作系統: Windows (64bits only) 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
處理器: i3 4th generation / i5 2nd generation / A6 series
內存: 4 GB RAM
圖形: AMD Radeon 5800 series / NVidia 550Ti
DirectX 版本: 11
存儲空間: 需要 8 GB 可用空間
聲卡: DX11 compatible
附註事項: Minimum Resolution: 1280 x 720
操作系統: Windows (64bits only) 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
處理器: i3 5th generation (or newer) / i5 3rd generation (or newer) / FX4170 (or newer)
內存: 8 GB RAM
圖形: AMD Radeon 8000 series or newer / NVidia GTX 660 or newer
DirectX 版本: 11
存儲空間: 需要 8 GB 可用空間
聲卡: DX11 compatible
附註事項: Recommended Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Update v1.2.23:
The third objective (Bullet) of "The Gunfather" quest is now unlockable if the player
possesses non custom Riftborn
The quest fleet from the "Flight of Eyder" can no longer travel in warp mode, to prevent
the quest from failing due to the time it took it to reach another system
Fixed an issue in chapter 2 part 2 of the Lumeris main quest with the Ecologist choice.
The Ecologist law now validates properly
Fixed Singularity notification not telling which empire deployed it
Cravers Quest no longer gives a system (Infinite Factory) which is invisible and unreachable by
other players, preventing an elimination of the Cravers player
"To do, or not to do..."
The quest can now be completed when having a custom faction with Riftborn or Continuum Sculptors affinity
Objectives from the part 2 now display a progress tracker
One of the choices from part 2 has been temporarily locked pending a fix
Fixed a warning generated when quickly switching from a notification with one objective to another
with two objectives
Fixed Sowers assimilation bonus applying only for one population unit per system
Removed Science resource reward: it is difficult to balance and players used to lose a part of their
gain which was unfair
Added a cap on all buyout costs reductions (capped to 95% reduction)
