Sam Collins Know the Terrain Vol 3 Central Majority 英文正式版(國際象棋教程軟體)(DVD版)
The information explosion has led to a massive increase in
opening theory. But how often do you win a game with a
prepared line? What gives strong players the edge over their
opponents is not some blockbuster novelty, but a deep
understanding of the pawn structures to which their openings
lead - an understanding that lasts into the middlegame and
endgame, and is transferable between different openings with
similar structures. In this DVD, Sam Collins looks at the
Central Majority (white pawns on a2, d4 and e4 against black
pawns on a7, b7 and e7) which is characteristic of both the
Grunfeld and Semi-Tarrasch Defences. White's space advantage
gives him good chances to generate a middlegame initiative
and a kingside attack, while Black hopes to reach an endgame
where his outside passed pawn could be decisive. Collins
also investigates the closely related passed d-pawn
structure which arises when the e-pawns are exchanged ??
White has a highly dangerous passer on the d-file and
the key struggle revolves around whether this pawn is a
strength or, when attacked or solidly blockaded, a weakness.
White's chances have been repeatedly demonstrated by Kramnik
and Carlsen while Black's cause has been championed by
Svidler, Ivanchuk, Van Wely and Gymesi, with Kasparov
generating significant ideas for both colours. Video running
time: 4 hours 39 minutes.