Intel Fortran Composer XE 2013.0.079 LINUX ISO 英文正式版(DVD版)
Intel? Fortran Composer XE 2013
includes the latest Intel Fortran ?
compilers and performance libraries 葔
for IA-32, Intel?64, and Intel?Many
Integrated Core (Intel?MIC)
architecture systems. This new product
release now includes: Intel?Fortran
Compiler XE Version 13.0.0, Intel?
Debugger Version 13.0.0, Intel?Math
Kernel Library (Intel? MKL) Version
New in this release:
Development of applications that
offload work to or natively run on an
Integrated Core (Intel?MIC)
architecture coprocessor is now
Intel? Fortran Compiler updated to
version 13.0.
Intel? Debugger updated to version
Intel? Debugger support deprecated
Intel? Math Kernel Library updated to
version 11.0
Removed support for Intel?Pentium?
III processor.
Support for SUSE* LINUX Enterprise
Server 11 SP2 added. Support for SP1
Support for Fedora* 17, Ubuntu 12.04
and Ubuntu 11.10* added.
Support for the following versions of
Linux distributions has been dropped:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4*
Fedora 15*
Ubuntu 11.04*
The Intel? Software Manager has been
added to help you manage product
updates and
license activation
Corrections to reported problems
*Note: For more information on the changes
listed above, please read the individual
component release notes