Hal Leonard 200 Rock Guitar Licks Goldmine TUTORiAL 英文正式版(吉他教學素材軟體)(DVD9版)
Hal Leonard出品的吉他教學素材影片教程。吉他教師Greg Harrison, Matthew Schroeder, and
Tony Stetina.即興親自教給你吉他彈奏技巧,從經典搖滾到現代金屬。超過4小時的內容。使用
A Guitar Licks Goldmine awaits in this incredible rock collection! This DVD is jam-packed with
killer lead lines, phrases, and riffs personally taught to you by professional guitarists Greg
Harrison, Matthew Schroeder, and Troy Stetina. From classic rock to modern metal, each and
every authentic lick includes: a walk-through explanation by a pro guitarist; note-for-note
on-screen tablature; normal and slow-speed performance demos.
4 hours, 14 minutes.