Hallmark Card Studio 2012 Deluxe 英文正式版(賀卡製作軟體)(DVD9版)
Hallmark Card Studio近100年設計賀卡的特殊時刻。Hallmark Card Studio 2012 Deluxe擴大
了這一傳統,使其成為比以往更加輕鬆地建立一個Card Studio作為獨特的你。Hallmark Card
Studio所針對的主要是電腦初級用戶,特別是希望用電腦做點什麼的孩子們。因此Card Studio
有較高要求的用戶,Card Studio也提供了完全的定制能力。
Bridge the miles between family and friends with customizable postcards,
stationery sets, invitations, e-cards and a heart-felt message. It?s
easy with exclusive Hallmark writing tips included in the software!
Capture precious memories in 4" x 8" photo cards, daily and weekly
calendars, scrapbook pages, invitations, announcements and more. Plus,
using the built-in Digital Photo Editor, you can fix, crop and apply
special effects to photos before adding them to your card or project.
Then simply print, email or share on Facebook and other popular social
media websites!
With 12,000+ designs, 18,000+ premium graphics, 9,000+ sentiments,
exclusive fonts, an Event Planner and much more, the creative
possibilities are endless! It?s amazing what you and Hallmark can do