演 員:詹姆斯.甘多費尼、羅林.布蘭考、伊迪.凡爾克 《黑道家族》是美國近年來頗受歡迎的一套反映黑手黨題材的電視連續劇,在美國有很高的視率,並且成為了近年來金球獎和艾米獎的獲獎常客。從1999年起開始在HBO電視臺播出,一炮而紅,久映不衰。今年是這部熱門劇集的第六季,該劇主演詹姆斯.甘多費尼James Gan dolfini在2000年、2001年憑此劇連續榮獲芍美獎電視情類最佳男主角,是好萊塢最為耀眼的電視明星。劇中明郁的氣氛讓人透不過氣來,情節緊張,引人入勝。 Meet Tony Soprano:your average,middle-aged businessman.Tony's got a dutiful wife. A not-so-dutiful son.A daughter named Meadow.A uncle who's losing his marbles.A hot-headed nephew.A not-too-secret mistress.And a shrink to tell all his secrets ,except the one she already knows:Tony's mob boss who's troubles are wrapped up in his two families.These days,it's getting tougher and tougher to make a killing in the killing bus">