演 員:歐陽震華、宣萱、黃宗澤、苗僑偉、楊怡、許紹雄、郭峰、郭少芸、姚瑩瑩、駱應鈞 自從二十年前在世界扑克王大賽中敗陣后,齊觀暢(歐美震華)便逢賭必輸。偏偏是這份霉氣,為祂帶來一份賭場的工作,而聘請祂的,正是當年的對手之一喬正初(苗僑偉)。 觀暢因為好賭成性的李青雲(宣萱),重遇失散多年的弟弟齊歡樂(黃宗澤)。樂是隱閉青年,正初欣賞祂對賭的天分,教授祂不同的賭博技朮。表面上,初對暢、樂照顧不加。實際上,當年設局令暢一敗涂地的是祂,現在令樂仇視暢的亦是祂!初的挑拔離間,令兩兄弟不斷在各地的賭桌上將兄弟情押上....... Since 20 years ago in the world poker competitions beaten Wang.Qi elated (Ouyangz henhua)on gambling would surely lose.This is just luck that broubht him to a cas ino,which appointed him.Qiao is the beginning of the year is one opponent (Miaoq iaowei).Elated because the gambling nature of Li Qing (Xuanxuan).the younger brother of important op">