第一片:1-8集 第二片:9-16集(完) 崔承熙的第一個短篇電影入圍世界電影節后,祂成為最有發展前途的電影導演。在歐洲舉行的授獎紀念派對上,祂的高中前輩正勛把惠秀介紹給承熙,承熙對惠秀一見鐘情。可是承熙因為駕車引發事故而意外地失去了惠秀,祂因此陷入自責和失意。就在那時,祂接受正勛的提議而回國進行音樂錄像的拍攝。祂為了打拍攝場所來到江原道,在那兒遇見了跟惠秀很像的鄉村姑娘金福實,開始了兩個人的感情........ Cui Hsi Cheng's first short film finalists world Film Day,he has become the most promising film directors.Award to commemorate the camp held in Europe, he put the benefits outstanding high school seniors are introduced to the Hsi Cheng-hsun,the Hsi Cheng Hui-Selections of Falling Love at Fist sight.But Hsi Cheng because drivers cause accidents and the accident lost the benefit show, and he became frustrated with life. ">