因為孩提時代擦搶走火的意外,馬蓋出任務時從不帶槍、不使用暴力,以科學知識為工具,利用手邊小東西,化危機為轉機,在世界各地除暴安良。就地取材,制造是以破壞敵人基地的爆炸物是祂的絕招,而隨身攜帶的瑞上刀則是祂最好的幫手。美國報章形容《百戰天龍》塑造的人物,是現代人夢幻的英雄,比00七龐德更有辦法﹔賽過“法櫃奇兵”敢作敢為的印地安瓊斯博士。 One of television's most enduring and popular heroes.MacGyver returns for a fifth season of action. adventure and ingenious inventions,Travel around the world with MacGyver (Richard Dean Anderson)as he fights for the side of right. escapes at the last second and always saves the day. This season offers up some unexpected surprises for MacGyver and his fans: a mysterious trip back in time,an unespected parnership with his nemesis (Michael Des Barred),and much more,Once again,every entertaining episode of">