02_Interact with AWS、Create a Web in AWS 04月 8日 - 04月 14日
011_3-0 Interact with AWS 問.mp4
012_Interact with AWS3-1Foreword.mp4
013_Interact with AWS3-2 Sign in AWS Academy Learner Lab.mp4
014_Interact with AWS3-3 Start the LabEnvironment.mp4
015_Interact with AWS3-4 AWS Management Console.mp4
016_3-0 Interact with AWS 答.mp4
017_4-0 Create a Web in AWS 問.mp4
018_Create a Web in AWS4-1 Establishing a EC2 instance.mp4
019_Create a Web in AWS4-2 Connecting to EC2 Using PUTTY.mp4
020_Create a Web in AWS4-3 Install LAMP server.mp4
03_Create a Web in AWS、AWS Elastic IP、AWS Storage-S3 04月 15日 - 04月 21日
022_Create a Web in AWS 4-4 Create a web page.mp4
023_Create a Web in AWS4-5 Using WINSCP to upload web pages.mp4
024_4-0 Create a Web in AWS 答.mp4
025_5-0 AWS Elastic IP 問.mp4
026_AWS Elastic IP5-1 Observe the changing of IP address.mp4
027_AWS Elastic IP5-2 Allocate an Elastic IP.mp4
028_5-0 AWS Elastic IP 答.mp4
029_6-0 AWS Storage-S3 問.mp4
030_AWS Storage-S36-1 Create a bucket in S3.mp4
031_AWS Storage-S36-2 Upload file and access the file through URL.mp4
032_6-0 AWS Storage-S3 答.mp4
05_Store and query data in Amazon S3 04月 29日 - 05月 5日
043_9-0 Store and query data in Amazon S3 問.mp4
044_Store and query data in Amazon S39-1 Introduction to Amazon S3.mp4
045_Store and query data in Amazon S39-2 Login Amazon AWS Cloud .mp4
046_Store and query data in Amazon S39-3 Access Amazon S3 in the AWS Management Console.mp4
047_Store and query data in Amazon S39-4 Create a bucket with Amazon S3 and Load data into an S3 bucket.mp4
048_Store and query data in Amazon S39-5 Query data in an S3 bucket.mp4
049_9-0 Store and query data in Amazon S3 答.mp4
06_AWS Rekognition Service 05月 6日 - 05月 12日
050_10-0 AWS Rekognition Service 問.mp4
051_AWS Rekognition Service10-1 Introduction to Computer Vision.mp4
052_AWS Rekognition Service10-2 AWS Rekognition Demo.mp4
053_AWS Rekognition Service10-3 AWS Rekognition and Python(I).mp4
054_AWS Recognition Service10-4 AWS Recognition and Python(II).mp4
055_10-0 AWS Rekognition Service 答.mp4