臺灣全民學習平台 General Psychology (2023) 講師:ShyiGary、林明傑、黃世琤 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)
This course discusses the essence and process of interpersonal relationships and social interaction through three important aspects–Emotion,?Social Influence & Social Cognition, and Personality & Mental Disorders. We hope students can grasp basic understanding of social interaction after taking the course.本課程將以「情緒」、「社會影響與社會認知」及「性格與心理疾患」等三個重要的層面探討人際關係與社會互動的本質和歷程,以及各項可能的影響因素,期能使修課學員掌握人際關係與社會互動的基礎知識。
1.瞭解情緒的本質及構成的要件 Emotion & Structure of Emotion2.瞭解認知評估對情緒反應的影響 Cognitive Appraisal & Emotional Responses3.瞭解人際關係的本質及其對社會互動的影響?Interpersonal Relationship & Social Interaction4.瞭解印象形成與態度改變之社會認知歷程 Social Cognitive Process:?Impression Formation & Attitude Change5.瞭解性格的心理學意義與分類 Personality6.瞭解性格與心理疾患之間的關係 Personality & Mental Disorder
Lecturer: Professor Gary C. W. ShyiEducationThe State University of New York at Stony Brook (Ph.D.)Rutgers University (Postdoctoral Research Fellow)InstitutionsProfessor at the Department of Psychology, National Chung Cheng University (CCU)Cognitive Science Research Center DirectorCognitive Science Ph.D. Program?DirectorThe Advanced Institute of Manufacturing with High-tech Innovations (AIM-HI)?Section DirectorSpecialization:Visual Cognition, Object Recognition, Scene Perception, and Visual-spatial Attention教師姓名:襲充文(Professor Gary C. W. Shyi)教師簡介學歷:政大心理學系學士、美國紐約州立大學石溪分校博士、美國羅格斯大學博士後研究
01_Emotion and Emotion Regulation I 04 17 - 04 23?
001_1.1 Components of Emotion.mp4
002_1.2 Dimensions and Themes in Cognitive Appraisal.mp4
003_1.3 Conscious and Unconscious Appraisal.mp4
004_1.4 Brain Mechanisms for Appraisal.mp4
005_1.5 Emotion and Subjective Experiences.mp4
006_1.6 Emotion and Thought_Tendency of Action.mp4
02_Emotion and Emotion Regulation II 04 24 - 04 30?
007_2.1 Emotion and Bodily Changes_Emotional Intensity.mp4
008_2.2 Emotion and Bodily Changes_Differentiating Emotions.mp4
009_2.3 Emotion and Facial Muscular Movements.mp4
010_2.4 Response to Emotion_Emotion Regulation.mp4
011_2.5 Emotion, Gender, and Culture.mp4
03_Social Influence and Social Cognition I 05 1 - 05 7?
012_3.1 What is Social Psychology_.mp4
013_3.2 The Presence of Others.mp4
014_3.3 Deindividuation.mp4
015_3.4 Bystander Effect.mp4
016_3.5 Conformity.mp4
017_3.6 Obedience.mp4
018_3.7 Internalization.mp4
04_Social Influence and Social Cognition II 05 8 - 05 14?
019_4.1 Impression Formation_Stereotypes.mp4
020_4.2 Impression Formation_Individuation.mp4
021_4.3 Attitude and Persuasion.mp4
022_4.4 Interpersonal Attraction.mp4
023_4.5 Love and Mate Selection.mp4
05_Personality and Mental Disorders I 05 15 - 05 21?
024_5.1 Concept and Measurement of Personality.mp4
025_5.2 Psychoanalytic Approach.mp4
026_5.3 Behavioral Approach.mp4
027_5.4 Cognitive Approach.mp4
028_5.5 Humanistic Approach.mp4
029_5.6 Evolutionary Approach.mp4
06_Personality and Mental Disorders II 05 22 - 05 28?
030_6.1 What is Mental Disorder_.mp4
031_6.2 Anxiety Disorders.mp4
032_6.3 Depression and Bipolar Disorders.mp4
033_6.4 Schizophrenia.mp4
034_6.5 Antisocial Personalty Disorders.mp4