臺灣全民學習平台 Theories in Counseling and Psychotherapy (2023) 講師:ShyiGary、林明傑、黃世琤 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)
This course will be based on six main counseling psychology theories, including"Psychoanalytic Therapy", "Person-centered Therapy", "Postmodern Therapy", "CognitiveBehavior Therapy", "Reality Therapy and Choice Theory", and "Feminism Therapy". We will explore the characteristics and process of interpersonal relationships, social interactions, aswell as possible influencing factors. Students will be able to master the basic knowledge ofinterpersonal relationships and social interaction upon completion of this course.
1.Understand the concept and treatment process of Psychoanalytic Therapy.2.Understand the concept and treatment history of Personal-Centered Therapy.3.Understand the concept and treatment process of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.4.Understand the concept and treatment process of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.5.Understand the concept and treatment process of Reality Therapy.6.Understand the concept and treatment process of Feminism Therapy.
Professor: Shih-Tseng Tina Huang?Profile:Professor,?Department of Psychology,?National Chung-Cheng UniversityCenter for Research in Cognitive Sciences & Ph.D. Program in Cognitive Sciences, CCULicensed Counseling PsychologistPresident, Taiwanese Association of the Mental Health InformaticsDivision of Developmental Psychology, Taiwanese Association of PsychologyProfessor :Min-Chieh Jay
Ph.D. in Criminology, Michigan State University, USA.
MA in Counseling, Michigan State University, USA.
MS in Natural Medicine, Nanhua University, Taiwan
BA in Sociology, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
BS in Nutrition, Toko University, Taiwan
TrainingReality Therapist, Advanced Supervisor in Reality Therapy
01_Person-centered Treatment 04月 17日 - 04月 23日
001_1.1 Overview of Person-Centered Therapy Theory.mp4
002_1.2 Goals and techniques of Person-Centered treatment.mp4
003_1.3 Practical case of person-centered treatment.mp4
004_1.4 Four key elements and Practice of Good Faith Communication.mp4
005_1.5 Good faith communication practice case.mp4
02_Feminism Therapy 04月 24日 - 04月 30日
006_2.1 Feminism Therapy Overview.mp4
007_2.2 Practice of Feminism Therapy.mp4
03_Reality Therapy and Choice Theory 05月 1日 - 05月 7日
008_3.1 Introduction to Reality Therapy.mp4
009_3.2 The Structure of Reality Therapy.mp4
010_3.3 Characteristics and Techniques of Reality Therapy.mp4
011_3.4 Practice of Reality Therapy.mp4
04_Psychoanalytic Therapy 05月 8日 - 05月 14日
012_4.1 Freud's theory of Personality Structure.mp4
013_4.2 Self-defense Mechanism.mp4
014_4.3 Freud's Psychosexual Stages.mp4
015_4.4 The course of Psychoanalytic Therapy.mp4
016_4.5 Practice of Psychoanalytic Therapy.mp4
05_Postmodern Therapy 05月 15日 - 05月 21日
017_5.1 焦點解決短期治療的理念與基本假設.mp4
018_5.2 焦點解決短期治療的歷程.mp4
019_5.3 敘事治療的主要概念.mp4
020_5.4 敘事治療的治療歷程.mp4
021_5.5 焦點解決短期治療實務案例.mp4
06_Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 05月 22日 - 05月 28日
022_6.1 理情行為治療理論架構.mp4
023_6.2 理情行為治療的歷程.mp4
024_6.3 Beck的認知治療.mp4
025_6.4 優勢基礎認知行為治療.mp4
026_6.5 認知行為治療實務案例.mp4