Udemy線上課程 Basic Knitting English: terms and techniques 1(基礎編織英文一) 講師:Jy Chao 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)
- Knit as you go (邊走邊織)
- Share on Ravelry(建立R網作品頁面)
- Swatch How-to (如何測量密度)
- Pick up & knit (挑針)
- Last stitch in round (收縫圈織最後一針)
- ER for Popcorn stitch (爆米花結粒針急診室)
- Popcorn st ER II(爆米花結粒針針急診室2)
- Mesh Colour Version(MeshV領毛衣配色版製作重點)
You would be able to read English knitting patterns, and perform basic skills with confidence. 將來能看懂喜歡的英文織圖,並能順利做出基本針法。
You would be able to navigate your way in the English knitting community. 能悠遊在英文編織世界裡,充分利用豐富的英文編織資源
01 基礎編織英文一
001 Knitting in English, why_(為何要學習編織英文).mp4
002 Knit as you go(邊走邊織).mp4
003 Share on Ravelry(建立R網作品頁面).mp4
004 Swatch How-to (如何測量密度).mp4
005 Pick up & knit (挑針).mp4
006 Last stitch in round (收縫圈織最後一針).mp4
007 ER for Popcorn stitch (爆米花結粒針急診室).mp4
008 Popcorn st ER II(爆米花結粒針針急診室2).mp4
009 Mesh Colour Version(MeshV領毛衣配色版製作重點).mp4
010 Trouble shooting_ used yarn(用過的毛線).mp4
011 Reclaim used yarn(舊毛線復活術).mp4