Udemy線上課程 資料結構與演算法 (JavaScript) (含教材) 講師:Wilson Ren 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)
這堂課內容包含電腦科學世界中的常見與實用的演算法與資料結構,對於不是資工本科系的人來說,是非常重要的演算法課程!此包含演算法分析(Big O Complexity)、八種排序演算法(Sorting Algorithms)、主定理(Master Theorem)、遞迴演算法(Recursion)、連結串列(LinkedList)、雜湊表(Hash Table)、二元搜尋樹(Binary Search Tree)、優先佇列(Priority Queue)、霍夫曼演算法(Huffman Encoding)、最小生成樹(Minimal Spanning Tree)、深度優先搜尋(Depth First Search)、寬度優先搜尋(Breadth First Search)、最短路徑演算法(Floyd-Warshall Algorithm)、戴克斯特拉演算法(Dijkstra’s Algorithm)、動態規劃 (Dynamic programming)等等的內容。
001 俴誏?縪v桸躁ˋ衄?]衄詻嶒陛ㄐˋ.html
01 - Introduction
001 Personal Website.html
002 JavaScript Help.html
003 Additional Sources.html
004 Textbook.html
02 - JavaScript, Math Review
005 Code Runner.mp4
006 Prettier.mp4
007 Array Review.mp4
008 Object Review.mp4
009 Function Review.mp4
010 Class Review.mp4
011 Log Review.mp4
03 - Complexity and Big O Notation
012 The Idea of Algorithm.mp4
013 Comparing Algorithms.mp4
014 Complexity.mp4
015 Analysis of fun 1 and fun 2.mp4
016 Big O Notation.mp4
017 Understanding Big O.mp4
018 Understand Big O Notation (Formal Definition).mp4
019 Big Omega and Big Theta.mp4
020 Big O in Arrays and Objects.mp4
04 - Introduction to Algorithm Design
021 Chapter Introduction.mp4
022 Linear Search.mp4
023 Binary Search.mp4
024 General Guide of Algorithm Design.mp4
025 Intersection Problem.mp4
026 Counter.mp4
027 Coding Practice - Frequency Problem.mp4
028 Coding Practice - Average Pair.mp4
029 Pointer.mp4
030 Coding Practice - Palindrome.mp4
031 Subsequence Problem.mp4
032 Sliding Window.mp4
033 Improved Maxsum.mp4
034 Coding Practice - Min Sub Array.mp4
035 Coding Practice - Unique Letter Substring.mp4
036 Coding Practice - Largest Product.mp4
037 Recursion.mp4
038 Coding Practice - Fibonacci Sequence.mp4
039 19 Coding Practice - Array of Arrays.mp4
05 - Sorting Algorithms I
040 Intro to Sorting Algorithms.mp4
041 Bubble Sort.mp4
042 Understanding the Pseudo Code.mp4
043 Bubble Sort Code.mp4
044 Big O of Bubble Sort.mp4
045 Insertion Sort.mp4
046 Pseudocode for Insertion Sort.mp4
047 Implement Insertion Sort.mp4
048 Big O of Insertion Sort.mp4
049 Selection Sort.mp4
050 Implement Selection Sort.mp4
051 Big O of Selection Sort.mp4
06 - Sorting Algorithms II
052 Intro to chapter 4.mp4
053 Merge Sort.mp4
054 Implementing Merge Sort.mp4
055 Big O of Merge Sort.mp4
056 Intro to Tree.mp4
057 Build Max Heap.mp4
058 Heap Sort Algorithm.mp4
059 Implementing Heap Sort.mp4
060 Overview of Heap Sort.mp4
061 (Challenging) Deeper Look of Build Max Heap.mp4
062 Quicksort and partition.mp4
063 Implementing Quick Sort.mp4
064 Overview of Quick Sort.mp4
07 - Survey
065 Google Form.html
08 - Master Theorem, Lower bounds of Searching and Sorting
066 Lower bounds of searching.mp4
067 Lower bounds of Comparison Based Sorting Algorithm.mp4
068 Comparison Based Sorting.mp4
069 Heap Sort Deeper Look.mp4
070 Intro to Master Theorem.mp4
071 Master Theorem.mp4
072 Proof of Master Theorem.mp4
073 (Challenging) Linear Time Sorting.mp4
09 - Data Structure I
074 Intro to Data Structure.mp4
075 Linked List.mp4
076 Advantages of Linked List.mp4
077 Linked List Push.mp4
078 Linked List Pop.mp4
079 Linked List Shift.mp4
080 Linked List Unshift.mp4
081 Linked List InsertAt.mp4
082 Linked List removeAt.mp4
083 Linked List get.mp4
084 Disadvantages of Linked Lists.mp4
085 Overview of Linked List.mp4
086 Doubly Linked List.mp4
087 Stack.mp4
088 Queue.mp4
089 Example and Deque.mp4
090 Hashtable Motivation.mp4
091 Hash Function.mp4
092 Division Method.mp4
093 Multiplication Method.mp4
094 (Challenging) Understanding Multiplication Method.mp4
095 Handing Collisions.mp4
096 Coding Hashtable I.mp4
097 Parsing string to integer.mp4
098 Coding Hashtable II.mp4
099 Error Correct.html
100 Understanding hashtable.mp4
10 - Data Structure II_ Tree
101 Intro to Tree.mp4
102 Graph Definition.mp4
103 Tree Definition.mp4
104 Tree Traversal.mp4
105 Breadth-First.mp4
106 PreOrder.mp4
107 InOrder.mp4
108 PostOrder.mp4
109 Answer to Practice.mp4
110 Intro to BST.mp4
111 Constructing BST.mp4
112 Insertion Pseudocode of BST.mp4
113 Tree Insertion.mp4
114 Traversal.mp4
115 Searching in BST.mp4
116 Overview of BST.mp4
117 Intro to Priority Queue.mp4
118 Max Heap Insertion.mp4
119 Index Number.mp4
120 Enqueue.mp4
121 Dequeue.mp4
122 Encoding Theory.mp4
123 Compression with Simple Approach.mp4
124 Huffman Encoding.mp4
125 Huffman Encoding Codes.mp4
126 Intro to MST.mp4
127 Prim's Algorithm.mp4
128 Prim's Codes.mp4
129 Kruskal's Algorithms.mp4
130 Application of MST.mp4
11 - Data Structure III - Graph
131 Intro to Graph Algorithms.mp4
132 Depth First Graph Traversal.mp4
133 Breadth First Traversal.mp4
134 Exercise.mp4
135 Pseudocode of DFT.mp4
136 Coding DFT.mp4
137 Coding BST.mp4
138 Intro to Floyd-Warshall.mp4
139 Floyd Warshall Algorithm.mp4
140 Intro to Dijkstra's Algorithm.mp4
141 Dijkstra's Algorithm by Hand.mp4
142 Dijkstra's Code.mp4
12 - Greedy Method, Dynamic Programming
143 Intro to Chapter.mp4
144 Intro to Greedy Method.mp4
145 Job Sequencing with Deadlines.mp4
146 Fractional Knapsack Problem.mp4
147 Shortest Path with Greedy is not a good Idea_.mp4
148 Intro to LCS.mp4
149 LCS with Recursion.mp4
150 LCS with Recursion Codes.mp4
151 LCS with Dynamic Programming.mp4
152 LCS with Dynamic Programming Codes.mp4
153 Meaning of Dynamic Programming.mp4
154 Fibonacci sequence with Dynamic Programming.mp4
155 Shortest Path (Multistage Graph) with Dynamic Programming.mp4
13 - Backtracking, Branch and Bound and KMP String Search
156 Intro to Backtracking.mp4
157 Intro to Permutation.mp4
158 Permutation Codes.mp4
159 Permutation in General.mp4
160 Introduction to 8 Queens Puzzle.mp4
161 Solving N Queens Puzzle.mp4
162 NQueens Code.mp4
163 0_1 Knapsack Problem.mp4
164 Solving Knapsack Problem with brute force.mp4
166 Difference between Backtracking, Branch and Bound.mp4
167 Intro to KMP String Search.mp4
168 Method of PS Array.mp4
14 - P versus NP problem
171 Intro to P verses NP.mp4
172 Understand NP Problems.mp4
173 Nondeterministic Turing Machine.mp4
174 Guessing and Checking.mp4
175 NP-Complete.mp4
176 NP-Complete Reduction.mp4
177 Sequence of NP-Complete Problems.mp4
178 NP-Hard.mp4
179 SAT Problem.mp4
180 Sum of Subset Problem.mp4
181 Hamilton Cycle.mp4
182 Travelling Salesman Problem.mp4
183 Vertex Cover.mp4
184 Clique.mp4
185 Reduction from 3SAT to Clique.mp4
186 Why learning NP-Complete_.mp4
15 - Complete Course
187 Website.html
188 Survey.html