02 - The fundamental elements of Pinyin 拼音的基本構成方式
002 The fundamental elements of Pinyin 拼音的基本構成方式.mp4
03 - Tones (five-degree tone mark method) 聲調五度標調法)
003 Tones (five-degree tone mark method) 聲調 (五度標調法).mp4
04 - Tone sandhi of the third tone of Chinese Pinyin (1)漢語拼音第三聲的變調(1)
004 Tone sandhi of the third tone of Chinese Pinyin (1)漢語拼音第三聲的變調(1).mp4
005 Tone sandhi of the third tone of Chinese Pinyin (2)漢語拼音第三聲的變調(2).mp4
006 Tone sandhi of the third tone of Chinese Pinyin (3)漢語拼音第三聲的變調(3).mp4
05 - Tone sandhi of Chinese characters _一_ and _不_。 漢字“一”和“不”的變調
007 Tone sandhi of Chinese characters _一_ and _不_ (1) 漢字“一”和“不”的變調(1).mp4
008 Tone sandhi of Chinese characters _一_ and _不_ (2) 漢字“一”和“不”的變調(2).mp4
07 - erization_rhotacization of syllable finals 兒化
011 erization_rhotacization of syllable finals(1)兒化(1).mp4
012 erization_rhotacization of syllable finals(2)兒化(2).mp4
013 erization_rhotacization of syllable finals(3)兒化(3).mp4
014 erization_rhotacization of syllable finals(4)兒化(4).mp4
08 - Chinese phonetic initials practice 漢語拼音聲母練習
015 Practice of initials b 聲母b 的練習.mp4
016 Practice of initials p聲母p 的練習.mp4
017 Practice of initials m 聲母m 的練習.mp4
018 Practice of initials f and d. 聲母f和d 的練習.mp4
019 Practice of initials d and t. 聲母d和t 的練習.mp4
020 Practice of initials t and n. 聲母t和 n 的練習.mp4
021 Practice of initials n and l. 聲母n和 l 的練習.mp4
022 Practice of initials l and g 聲母l和g 的練習.mp4
023 Practice of initials k.聲母k 的練習.mp4
024 Practice of initials h.聲母h 的練習.mp4
025 Practice of initials j. 聲母j 的練習.mp4
026 Practice of initials q. 聲母q 的練習.mp4
027 Practice of initials x. 聲母x 的練習.mp4
028 Practice of initials z and c. 聲母z和c 的練習.mp4
029 Practice of initials c and s. 聲母c和s 的練習.mp4
030 Practice of initials s and zh. 聲母s和zh 的練習.mp4
031 Practice of initials ch .聲母ch 的練習.mp4
032 Practice of initials sh. 聲母sh 的練習.mp4
033 Practice of initials r . 聲母r 的練習.mp4
09 - Practice of finals 韻母的練習
034 Practice of vowel a . 韻母a的練習.mp4
035 Practice of vowel a and o. 韻母a和o的練習.mp4
036 Practice of vowel o and e . 韻母o和e的練習.mp4
037 Practice of vowel e and i . 韻母e和i的練習.mp4
038 Practice of vowel i . 韻母i的練習.mp4
039 Practice of vowel u . 韻母u的練習.mp4
040 Practice of vowel u and u . 韻母u和u的練習 [xyz].mp4
041 Practice of vowel u . 韻母u的練習 [xyz].mp4
042 Practice of vowel er . 韻母er的練習.mp4
043 Practice of vowel ai. 韻母ai的練習.mp4
044 Practice of vowel ei . 韻母ei的練習.mp4
045 Practice of vowel ao . 韻母ao的練習.mp4
046 Practice of vowel ou . 韻母ou的練習.mp4
047 Practice of vowel ou and ia . 韻母ou和ia的練習.mp4
048 Practice of vowel ia and ie. 韻母ia和ie的練習.mp4
049 Practice of vowel ie and ua . 韻母ie和ua的練習.mp4
050 Practice of vowel ua . 韻母ua的練習.mp4
051 Practice of vowel uo. 韻母uo的練習.mp4
052 Practice of vowel uo and ue . 韻母uo和ue的練習 [xyz].mp4
053 Practice of vowel ue and iao . 韻母ue和iao的練習 [xyz].mp4
054 Practice of vowel iao . 韻母iao的練習.mp4
055 Practice of vowel iu . 韻母iu的練習.mp4
056 Practice of vowel iu and uai . 韻母iu和uai的練習.mp4
057 Practice of vowel uai . 韻母uai的練習.mp4
058 Practice of vowel ui . 韻母ui的練習.mp4
059 Practice of vowel an . 韻母an的練習.mp4
060 Practice of vowel in . 韻母in的練習.mp4
061 Practice of vowel en . 韻母en的練習.mp4
062 Practice of vowel un . 韻母un的練習 [xyz].mp4
063 Practice of vowel ian . 韻母ian的練習.mp4
064 Practice of vowel uan . 韻母uan的練習.mp4
065 Practice of vowel uan and uan . 韻母uan和uan的練習 [xyz].mp4
066 Practice of vowel uan and un . 韻母uan和un的練習 [xyz].mp4
067 Practice of vowel un and ang . 韻母un和ang的練習.mp4
068 Practice of vowel ang and eng . 韻母ang和eng的練習.mp4
069 Practice of vowel eng and ing . 韻母eng和ing的練習.mp4
070 Practice of vowel ing . 韻母ing的練習.mp4
071 Practice of vowel ong . 韻母ong的練習.mp4
072 Practice of vowel iang . 韻母iang的練習.mp4
073 Practice of vowel iang and uang . 韻母iang和uang的練習.mp4
074 Practice of vowel uang and ueng . 韻母uang和ueng的練習.mp4
075 Practice of vowel ueng and iong . 韻母ueng和iong的練習.mp4
076 Practice of vowel iong . 韻母iong的練習.mp4
10 - Practice of four-tone songs 四聲歌練習
077 Practice of four-tone songs (1) 四聲歌的練習 1.mp4
078 Practice of four-tone songs (2) 四聲歌的練習 2.mp4