Udemy線上課程 王思迅-易經開門課-上篇 (繁中字幕)-導言、先天八卦、意識卦卜卦方法,乾、坤兩卦詳解 講師:思迅 王 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)
2022年出版著作《易經白話講座》,也是台灣音頻課程平台 [孜孜線上聽] 長居銷售榜首的講者。
"Le Yi Lecture Hall" was founded by Mr. Wang Sixun. Mr. Sixun is currently the editorial director of Dayan Publishing Base and the editor-in-chief of Asif Publishing. The book "Book of Changes Vernacular Lectures" published in 2022.
Immersed in Yijing, aka "Book of Changes" for 40 years, and has taught lectures for 10 years. He talked about "Book of Changes" starting with divination, archaeological results, oracle bone inscriptions, combined with his understanding of the history of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and put forward a new interpretation of "Book of Changes" that fits life. It does not quote the scriptures word by word, and does not require any foundation of Chinese studies, but it is very good for people to grasp the essence of the 64 hexagrams in the Yijing, the hexagram words, hexagram images and six lines, and actually use them in life.
01 - 關於易經-如何學習易經、先天八卦、意識卦卜卦方法
001 關於易經-陰陽平衡.mp4
002 學習易經-面對人生不斷變化.mp4
003 易經所講的順境與困境.mp4
004 先天八卦-上 (乾、坤、兌、離).mp4
005 先天八卦-下 (震、巽、坎、艮).mp4
006 學習易經-改變的力量.mp4
007 各種卜卦方式略說.mp4
008 如何用「意識卦」卜卦.mp4
02 - 64卦之1 - 乾卦 (乾為天)
001 欣欣向榮-讓人產生力量.mp4
002 提起陽氣-試著發願.mp4
003 乾卦卦辭-元亨利貞.mp4
004 善的循環運作.mp4
005 乾卦第一爻 爻辭.mp4
006 乾卦第二爻 爻辭.mp4
007 乾卦第三、四爻 爻辭.mp4
008 乾卦第五、六爻 爻辭.mp4
03 - 64卦之2 - 坤卦 (坤為地)
001 從日常實證學習易經.mp4
002 乾坤互濟-領悟太極.mp4
003 乾坤互濟的案例.mp4
004 從乾坤兩卦看愛情.mp4
005 坤卦卦辭.mp4
006 坤卦第一、二爻爻辭.mp4
007 不習無不利.mp4
008 坤卦第三爻爻辭.mp4
009 坤卦第四、五爻爻辭.mp4
010 坤卦第六爻爻辭.mp4
011 乾坤兩卦之用爻.mp4