BBC 動畫 教小朋友應對地震等自然災害 Hoof and Safety 安全教育系列 01-13集(完) 英語發音 幼兒教學版(適用任何家用DVD播放機)(3DVD)

片名:BBC 動畫 教小朋友應對地震等自然災害 Hoof and Safety 安全教育系列 01-13集(完) 英語發音(幼兒教學)(適用任何家用DVD播放機超清晰畫面超長超值享受)(DVD版)(3DVD)
2012.07.20 全新〞光榮 〞上市 XYZCD Studio

Hoof and Safety with Nuzzle and Scratch把要傳達的資訊變成一個個小小的情景動畫
Everyone's favourite madcap alpacas, Nuzzle and Scratch, team up with tough-
but-fair safety supervisor, Miss Mulberry. Through intensive training and the
use of instructive safety 'hoovies' ('movies' to you and me!) they learn
about some common hazards and how to avoid them.
Miss Mulberry is kindly, patient, playful and knowledgeable. Nuzzle and
Scratch are completely in awe of her and are constantly trying to get her
attention. Despite this adulation, she is often the victim of a training task
gone wrong but this is always taken in good humour. After all, if it helps
makes these alpacas safe, it's a price worth paying.
Hot Stuff
1/13. Nuzzle and Scratch learn how to avoid nasty incidents involving hot
Gnomes and Gardens
2/13. The alpacas discover things around the garden that are best avoided,
including shears.
Yucky Stuff
3/13. The two furballs of fun guide viewers through what's bad to try to
Water, Water Everywhere
4/13. Nuzzle and Scratch find out how to stay safe and sound in the wet
On the Road
5/13. Nuzzle and Scratch are here to help keep you out of harm's way on the
Sharp Objects
6/13. The duo take us through the do's and don'ts of using sharp objects.
Pens, Doors and Soggy Paws
7/13. Get the lowdown on what's hot and what's not in the latest Safety
Ranger guide.
Here's Looking At Chew
8/13. Safety Rangers Nuzzle and Scratch spot the hazards in biting off more
than they can chew!
In the Car
9/13. The duoi learn about seat belts, door handles and getting out on the
safe side of the car.
Highs and Lows
10/13. Nuzzle and Scratch learn to be careful near open windows and in high
Slips and Trips
11/13. The furry friends find out how to stay safe on shiny floors and on
At the Supermarket
12/13. Nuzzle and Scratch go off their trolleys at the supermarket.
On the Buses
13/13. All aboard the safety bus as Nuzzle and Scratch learn to stay safe on,
and near, buses