BBC 英語原聲兒童節目 Little Human Planet 01-16集(完) 英語發音 英文語言字幕版(幼兒教學)(適用任何家用DVD播放機)(2DVD)

片名:BBC 英語原聲兒童節目 Little Human Planet 01-16集(完) 英語發音
2013.09.20 全新〞光榮 〞上市 XYZCD Studio

Little Human Planet is a little sister series to Human Planet. It
consists of 16 x 5 mins programmes that will be broadcast during the same
period as the main series – but of course, at a time when 3-6 year olds
are at their most attentive.It』s a simple idea with a simple format. Each
programme follows a typical activity in the life of a child from around the
world – a glimpse to a CBeebies viewer of how their counterparts live,
wherever they may be. On reflection, an unspoken celebration of what makes
children different and what makes them the same in a colourful and often
surprising voyage of discovery.
01. Helping in Mali
02. My Life By the Rio Negro River
03. Collecting Yams in Yap
04. Living in Ethiopia and North Canada
05. Collecting Water in Samburu Land
06. Preparing for the Eagle Festival
07. The Sing Sing Festival Papua New Guinea
08. Living on the Ocean Malaysia
09. My Life in Mongolia
10. Living in the Jungle Papua
11. My Life in Greenland and the Rio Negro
12. Collecting Water in Mali
13. In the Jungle of Brazil
14. Animals Around the World
15. Homes Around the World
16. Helping and Playing
Episode 16:
Helping and Playing
The programme travels around the world to reveal how different children
help and play
Episode 15:
Homes Around the World
An exploration of the different kinds of homes inhabited by children around
the world
Episode 14:
Animals Around the World
An exploration of animals and creatures around the world
Episode 13:
In the Jungle of Brazil
Following the lives of children in a Brazilian village in the Amazon
jungle. Lorna Laidlow and Ethan John present
Episode 12:
Collecting Water in Mali
Three-year-old Edjongon helps her mother to collect water from a well in
Mali, Africa
Episode 11:
My Life in Greenland and the Rio Negro
Exploring the lives of a girl from Greenland and four-year-old Carlos
Eduardo, who lives on the banks of the Rio Negro in Brazil
Episode 10:
Living in the Jungle Papua
The team visits six-year-old Dua in Papua, Indonesia, where she lives in a
tree house in the jungle's canopy
Episode 9:
My Life in Mongolia
The life of a four-year-old girl in Mongolia as she helps her family build
a new home
Episode 8:
Living on the Ocean Malaysia
The lives of Bajau Laut families who live on boats in the Pacific Ocean
Episode 7:
The Sing Sing Festival Papua New Guinea
A visit to Papua New Guinea to meet an 11-year-old girl who is preparing
for the colourful Sing Sing Festival
Episode 6:
Preparing for the Eagle Festival
A six-year-old girl in Mongolia discusses why she is looking forward to
dressing up for a special occasion
Episode 5:
Collecting Water in Samburu Land
A five-year-old boy in Samburu Land, Kenya, collects water from a well
Episode 4:
Living in Ethiopia and North Canada
The lives of two six-year-old girls, one in the mountains of Ethiopia and the
other in northern Canada
Episode 2:
My Life by the Rio Negro River
A guest suddenly arrives in the classroom of four-year-old Carlos Eduardo,
whose school is on a tiny island on the banks of the Rio Negro in Brazil
Episode 1:
Helping in Mali
Typical activities in the lives of children around the world, beginning
with a four-year-old boy in Mali who walks to a river bed to collect mud
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