The Koala Brothers 瑪莎說話 詞彙學習 01-20集 英語發音(幼兒教學)(適用任何家用DVD播放機)(5DVD)

片名:(此片售價750元)The Koala Brothers 瑪莎說話 詞彙學習 01-20集 英語發音(幼兒教學)(適用任何家用DVD播放機超清晰畫面超長超值享受)(DVD版)(5DVD)(此片售價750元)
2014.07.20 全新〞光榮 〞上市 XYZCD Studio

電視系列改編於Susan Meddaugh的系列書,Susan Meddaugh作品都是大家熟悉的,如
Curious George 和Arthur。
讓孩子們一起,和瑪莎一起進入Martha Speaks的口語世界吧。
01 Martha Speaks
02 Martha Gives Advice
03 Martha and Skits
04 Martha Plays a Part
05 Martha Takes the Cake
06 Codename-Martha
07 Martha to the Rescue
08 Martha Camps Out
09 Down On the Farm
10 Martha Runs Away
11 Martha Blah Blah
12 Skits Behaves
13 Martha and the Canine Caper
14 Perfectly Martha
15 Firedog Martha
16 Martha's Pickle
17 The Dog Who Came to Dinner
18 Martha Calling
19 Oh, Noooo!
20 Bye, Martha
21 Martha Walks the Dog
22 Martha's Got Talent
23 Martha the Hero Maker
24 Starstruck Martha
25 Martha in Charge
26 Truman and the Deep Blue Sea
27 Escape from Flea Island
28 No Dogs Allowed
29 Ain't Nothin' But a Pound Dog 1
30 Ain't Nothin' But a Pound Dog 2
31 Raiders of the Lost Art
32 Martha Says it with Flowers
33 Martha Doesn't Speak Monkey!
34 Martha and Truman Get Lost
35 Best In Show
36 Truman on the Ball
37 Martha Gets Spooked
38 Martha Changes Her Luck
39 Martha Runs the Store
40 martha runs the store part tow