財經大亨:綠色經濟 Eco Tycoon Project Green 英文正式版(經營)
Your nation is on a quest to become greener, and it's your job to set
environmental policy. Get ready to face the perils that come with holding
office as you strive to balance the ecological demands of "going green"
with the need to keep your nation's population happy and secure. Take
action to implement real environmental change, but be sure to do so in such
a way that your citizens won't demand a change of their own ?in leadership
In Eco Tycoon: Project Green, you must manage your nation's economy, power
levels, food supplies, water supplies and natural resources while working t
reduce carbon dioxide levels. Implement wide-ranging projects to help you
effect ecological change, from instituting a carbon tax to subsidizing
domestic solar panels. Keep your nation happy and prosperous by constructin
new buildings to accommodate the needs for power, food and water. Fuel the
nation's various power stations and export excess oil or coal to bring in
extra money. Do your best to keep your nation on a path to greener energy
or run the risk of terrible natural disasters and plummeting popularity tha
could see you voted out of office.
Work to reduce your nation's carbon dioxide levels while managing the
economy, power levels, food supplies, water supplies and natural resources
Establish eco-friendly government policies, including a carbon tax,
subsidized solar panels and increased use of public transport
Educate yourself by consulting seven government advisers who offer advice o
finance, energy, farming, politics, the environment, mining and research
Accommodate the population's needs for power, food and water by constructin
additional buildings
Export excess fuel to bring more money into the nation's coffers
Perform well in office to avoid disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunamis,
oil spills and nuclear waste
Make good economic and ecological decisions to keep your popularity level
high and maintain your position in office