Gmail Notifier Pro v4.3.2 Portable 英文正式版(電子郵件管理軟體)
加強版的Gmail通知軟體《Gmail Notifier Pro》,除了支援Gmail同步通知之外,還支
援hotmail、Yahoo Mail、Google Reader、Google文件及Google日曆等等,而且信件的
Gmail Notifier Pro is a Windows application
capable of checking multiple Google Gmail
accounts for new mail and display
notifications. Google Calendar, Google ?
Reader, Google News, Google Docs, Google+
?and RSS/Atom feeds are also supported.
Usage: Unpack, Install, Run the program once
and quit it (not just minimize), Use keygen
to generate a code, open ConfigData.xml and
replace the line containing RegisteredUser
![Gmail Notifier Pro v4.3.2 Portable 英文正式版(電子郵件管理軟體)](/softimage/EMA1563.jpg)