Detect Duplicates for Windows Live Mail v3.4 英文正式版(重複郵件檢測軟體)
Detect Duplicates for Windows Live Mail 是一款簡單易用 的Windows Live Mail
Delete Duplicates for Outlook enables you to delete duplicate e-mail
messages from your Outlook mailboxes. It is a add-in, i.e. an
auxiliary program that interfaces with Outlook, can operate in and on
the Outlook environment, and provides functions that Outlook itself
does not provide. Why the need for this program, since if you see
duplicates you could delete them yourself? The answer is that many
people now conduct much of their professional and personal
communication -- indeed much of their professional and personal lives
-- via e-mail, and some people use Outlook as their filing system for
correspondence. This leads to a situation in which people have
hundreds or thousands of Outlook mailboxes on their computer,
containing thousands or tens of thousands of messages, and this can
make it difficult or impossible to even spot duplicate messages,
especially if they reside in different mailboxes.
