InSpyder Web2Disk v3.2.5 英文正式版(下載工具軟體)
Inspyder Web2Disk是一個下載工具,可以對圖像、樣式表和其它嵌入內容在內的整個網站
Web2Disk is an easy to use program that enables you save an
entire website to your computer. Just enter a website address
and click Go! Web2Disk automatically finds all the files and
updates the pages it downloads so that you can browse websites
you've downloaded directly from your hard drive.
Web2Disk crawls every part of a website and saves a copy to
your PC. When Web2Disk is done, it automatically updates the
downloaded website so that all the links work with the
downloaded pages. You can browse the offline website in
FireFox or Internet Explorer, as if it were still online!
Now it's quick and easy to distribute your website on CD or
USB drive. You can share an offline website with anyone, no
special software is required to view downloaded sites.
