UltraMon v3.2.1 x64 英文正式版(多監視器系統的通用軟體)
UltraMon是一個多監視器系統的通用軟體, 它是為提高生產效率和釋放多路監視器全部的
潛能而設計的。特點:在桌面上高效地移動窗口和最大化窗口,用Smart Taskbar來管理更
多的應用;用UltraMon Shortcuts來控制應用程式的位置,多監視器支援桌面壁紙和屏保;
Get the most out of multiple monitors with UltraMon
UltraMon is a utility for multi-monitor systems, designed to increase
productivity and unlock the full potential of multiple monitors.
- efficiently move windows and maximize windows across the desktop
- manage more applications with the Smart Taskbar
- control application positioning with UltraMon Shortcuts
- multi-monitor support for desktop wallpapers and screen savers
- mirror your main monitor to secondary monitors for a presentation
