RealVNC VNC Enterprise v5.3.1 英文正式版(遠程控制計算機軟體)
VNC(Virtual Network Computing,虛擬網絡計算)最早是一套由英國劍橋大學AT&T實驗室
在2002年開發的輕量型的遠程控制計算機軟體,其採用了 GPL 授權條款,任何人都可免費取
得該軟體。VNC軟體主要由兩個部分組成:VNC server及VNC viewer。用戶需先將VNC server
安裝在被控端的計算機上後,才能在主控端執行 VNC viewer 控制被控端。
VNC server 與 VNC viewer 支持多種操作系統,如 windows,Linux,MacOS 及 Unix 系列
(Unix,Solaris等),因此可將 VNC server 及 VNC viewer 分別安裝在不同的操作系統中
進行控制。RealVNC 的優越性還在於如果操作系統的主控端計算機沒有安裝 VNC viewer,也
可以通過一般的網絡瀏覽器(如 IE 等)來控制被控端(需要 Java 虛擬機的支持)。
VNC is remote access and control software for an unrivalled mix
of Windows, Mac, UNIX and Linux computers. With a simple
peer-to-peer architecture, no agents or centralized servers are
Cross-platform remote control
Enable connections to be established between computers running
an unrivalled mix of Windows, Mac OS X, UNIX, and Linux operating
VNC authentication
Prevent unauthorized access with a password specific to VNC. Note
passwords are always encrypted, even if encryption is turned off or
not supported.
128-bit AES encryption
Encrypt connections using 128-bit AES, for high performance
encryption. This means that all data transmitted in either direction
while connections are in progress梜eystrokes and mouse movements
made by users; screen captures sent back in order to display the
desktop are resistant to packet sniffing and tampering,
man-in-the-middle attacks, and other malicious eavesdropping.
System authentication
Authorize users to connect using the already-familiar credentials
of their own user accounts on a computer. Note passwords are
always encrypted, even if encryption is turned off or not supported.
