OO Software SafeErase Workstation v5.0.452 英文正式版(O&O 最新磁片工具軟體)
O&O 的最新磁片工具軟體,可以絕對安全的刪除敏感檔和資料,刪除後不可恢復。原
因是 SafeErase 不僅僅表面上刪除了檔案名,並且會把檔佔用的空間全部充 0 ,這
樣那些駭客和寫偷竊資料的“間諜”也只能望盤興歎。SafeErase 有點特別,不像大部
在資源管理器中選用 SafeErase 功能,安全刪除操作就可以開始。
The consequences of sensitive corporate data falling into the
wrong hands, be it competitors or even the public, might cause
serious and lasting damages or even mean the end of your
company. OandO SafeErase allows you to permanently delete
sensitive data from your server by using approved procedures,
so that a reconstruction is no longer possible - even if using
special software or a data recovery lab.
