Super Flexible File Synchronizer Pro v5.63 英文正式版(同步文件備份軟體)
同步文件備份工具。用於在不同位置 PC、筆記本電腦和伺服器之間備份數據或同步文件
多個版本、支援日誌、支援備份超過 4GB 的文件。
This software is used to back up data and to synchronize PCs,
servers, and notebooks. The settings are stored in multiple
profiles, and the software comes with support for FTP servers, ZIP
compression, data encryption, and a scheduler for automated
backups. On Windows NT/2000 or higher, the scheduler can run as a
service - without users having to log on. This file
synchronization tool features the ability to freely select files
and folders across the whole folder hierarchy in tree-views and it
has support for e-mail notification, profile categories, and
various filters.
