Newsoftwares USB Block v1.5.0 英文正式版(USB存儲設備加密軟體)
The 2-in-1 Data Leak and Copy Protection Wonder!
Do you have important documents, financial reports, source
codes or private files you don't want to get duplicated or
stolen ever? Your PC is the perfect machine to let that
happen easily, with so many open ports, USB drive slots,
CD/DVD Writers, Memory Card slots and Network Access.
USB Block is a two-in-one data leak prevention & copy
protection software that lets you prevent copying of
sensitive information to any unauthorized portable device
including USB drives, external hard drives, memory cards,
digital cameras, iPods, CDs/DVDs, Network Computers and more.
It is a permission based software, and once installed, only
users with the correct password will be able to have access
to the USB drives or external drives. You can maintain a list
of all your drives that you need access to on a regular
basis, while blocking all other USB and external drives that
you have set the protection parameters for. USB Block also
monitors and keeps a record of what devices have tried to
access your PC by whom and when. Prevent data-leak, illegal
copying, and duplication of your private and classified data
and information. Additionally, the program also monitors and
keeps a log of illegal program deletion attempts,
unauthorized uninstall attempts as well as invalid password
attempts. Furthermore, USB Block also protects your computers
against malware attacks and malicious hacks by not allowing
any USB drive or external drive, or any network computers and
non-system drives to access your computer.
