NTechnologies PhotoRestorer v2.3 英文正式版(恢復任何類型的數碼相機和閃存卡軟體)
check crack\serial.txt
PhotoRestorer 允許您恢復任何類型的數碼相機和閃存卡(mmc, sd, xD, flash card等)裡已刪
復的jpg格式照片。然後以縮略圖形式顯示出來, 在您註冊程式後,就可以保存恢復的文件到硬碟了.
PhotoRestorer allows recovering deleted
jpg-files from any type of digital photo
cameras and flash drives (mmc, sd, xD,
flash card, etc).
It's easy to use: plug flash-drive and
press "Start" button! The program first
scans storage media, locating all
recoverable photographs in jpg format. It
then displays them as thumbnails, after
you register the program, you'll be able
to save the recovered files to hard
