NTechnologies My Flash Recovery v2.2 英文正式版(恢復USB存儲設備數據的工具軟體)
適合於所有主要的廠商製造的產品 - 可以查找, 預覽和恢復意外刪除的數據,甚至是已經格式化
的閃存驅動器。已刪除的文件, 文檔, 檔案, 圖像, 音樂和其它能被有效恢復和保存的資訊都能
被恢復 ,無需任何特殊技能。My Flash Recovery使用兩種模式:快速掃瞄(不到1分鐘。)和深
NTechnologies My Flash Recovery還可以使用戶獲得永久擦除文件資訊,並使之不能恢復的能力
My Flash Recovery is a data recovery tool
for flash drives and other type of USB
devices from all major manufacturers
under FAT 16/32 file system - find,
preview and restore accidentaly deleted
data even flash drive was formatted.
Deleted files, documents, archives,
images, video, music and other erased
important information can be effectively
recovered and saved without any special
skills. My Flash Recovery use two mode:
quick (less than one min.) and deep scan,
designed to recover data from formated
flash drives.
My Flash Recovery allows you to wipe your
confidential files from flash drive -
keep your personal privacy! Provides wipe
methods ensure that erased files can not
be recovered by any restore tools.
Preview of any file is possible even with
the free trial version. After the program
is purchased, you can restore single file
as far as entire folder. My Flash
Recovery will work under Windows
NT,2000,XP,2003,Vista/Windows 7 operating
